19 funny words which sound really dirty but are actually innocent | Metro News

2022-05-28 17:02:02 By : Mr. Mark Li


Words are some of the most powerful things in the world with the mere sound of them able to conjure up intense emotions from love right through to hate as well as fear, horror, joy and disgust.

But there are some words that aren’t always what they seem. When we utter the words moist, flange, slag, fanny blower and cleat out loud, chances are we will attract filthy looks or cause a snigger or two.

There are plenty of words that sound like they should mean something utterly foul and disgusting but which actually have completely innocent meanings.

Have a chortle at these rude sounding words and then marvel at how run of the mill they actually are when their real meanings are explained.

One chews up wood. The other…well, I suppose the other does that too.

This word used to belong to butchers. But now it makes us picture a human posterior in all of its glory as opposed to a cut of animal meat.

As in punishment, but not the kind that this word might make you think of.

Careful how you say this word. You don’t want to sound like a w****r when talking about chewing.

Sounds painful and it is a position of sorts. Just in American football.

This is not, I repeat NOT, an item to cool down thrush. It is actually what fans were called in the 19th century.

Why would anyone consider this a good name for a part of a ship? It’s just asking for misunderstandings.

Until Urban Dictionary gave it a whole new meaning, this was just a component to strengthen iron beams, thank you very much.

Horrible word in the wrong context but in scientific terms it is the waste product of smelting reactions. Every science teacher dreads this lesson.

When Coronation Street’s Norris Cole uttered the line that his knob could do with a wipe, he meant his door handle. But that line was put in there for a reason. Because we all think knob is funny.

This is an old name for the water rail bird. It isn’t anything to do with anal sex.

Whoever named this Wi-fi stick was trolling the world.

Old people use it to describe a decent sponge. To everyone else, it feels a little bit … filthy. Describing yourself as moist will not make people ask you if it has been raining outside.

This phrase that sounds awfully like the pastime of a lonely gent actually describes a rugby motion. So kind of apt, but still not meant to be rude.

It’s a fruit honestly. And it isn’t salty.

It could be the film. It could be a narrow passage. It could be the song.

But no, our brains automatically think – penis.

Not an Italian pronunciation of a G-spot, this word actually refers to a part of a shoe. Which is most definitely not where you will find the clitoris, lads.

MORE : QUIZ: How well do you know your Scottish swear words? It’s harder than you think!

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